Thursday, October 30, 2008

10 Things About Me

I have one blog friend here, and it seems that in some ways he has the advantage..or do I? I can read his archives, but I am new here, no real history to speak of. So, for you, my bloggy buddy, I will tell some of my deepest, darkest, secrets.

1. I used to work in the morgue, as an assistant. I loved the work, but could NOT handle the maggots and the smells.
2. My two best friends have been my friends for 29 and 24 years. They know more about me than my own family, and I love them more than most of `real`family.
3. I am estranged from most of my family members. There are various reasons, but the end result is the same for all of them. They are out of my life.
4. I am an expert shop lifter.
When I was a homeless teen, I made food money by stealing. I have never robbed anyone, or mugged anyone. I just stole from big box stores to make some cash.
5. I miss some of my estranged family. Sad, but true.
6. I wish that I didn't.
7. I dated identical twins. They were not completely identical.
8. My mother abandoned me when I was three. I was raised by my Dad.
9. I have some Canadian celebs in my family. (Nothing like Paris, or Madonna, but any self respecting Canadian would know of them). It doesn't get me better tables at restaurants or free stuff.
10. I know more about cults and ritualistic abuse then your average person.
Ok, ok, some of these things are known by my friends, and a couple are deep, dark, secrets.
Stay tuned for more.........


Walker said...

I don't know if working at the morgue is cool or just plan cold.

Ok I have to ask, how were the identical twins NOT the same LOL

You know I always had a problem with stealing so shoplifting was out.
Funny eh.
I could shoot it out with someone but I could never bring myself to steal something.
Hell I have broken half the laws of the land and still ......

Have a happy Halloween or spooky one whichever you enjoy the most

celticgirl said...

My job at the the morgue was incredible. Great hours, great pay and nobody watching you work all of the time.
I loved the fact that I was there alone to do the clean up and I didn't have to deal with anyone else.
A guy came into the morgue that I sort of knew and that was the end of my short lived career.
The stealing is a strange thing....I could NEVER steal from a person, but somehow, taking food to survive seems ok. I stole a turkey once for Christmas dinner.
The twins. LOL.
That is the burning question.
One was taller then the other, they had different smiles, and one was ahem...bigger.