There is a whole shit load of head clogging crap swirling around me today.
I have been thinking a lot of old friends. Some of these old friends I am in contact with (thru email) and some I am not. Most of the old friends are men, which is why I don't bother to mention them to my Hubby.
My Hubby is a great guy in many ways, but he is incredibly jealous, even of the ghosts of my youth. I suppose that I can understand. Still, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.
I miss my friend Shane.
A lot. (He is the second half of my twins)
We dated, it's true, but he was my best friend, long before we ever dated. When his brother and I broke up, we started spending more time together, and at the time, dating Shane seemed like a natural progression.
It wasn't. We dated for about 4 months before we recognized that we should just be friends again. It took awhile, and I thought that our friendship was fractured forever.
It wasn't. A couple of months later, we were best friends again (and I was dating his brother, the right twin for me).
Shane was by my side when I had a miscarriage, and a subsequent break down. He never left my side, all of those days and weeks that I stayed in bed, too despondant to even eat.
I have often told people that he saved my life, and I truly believe that he did. I would not have survived without him.
I am still in contact with his brother. (My first love). His wife and I are facebook friends and message each other now and again. It has been a long time and she has nothing to fear from me anymore. I have a life here in Ontario that I would never leave.
Time marches on and love fades away.
Shane and I would still be friends, too, if it weren`t for one thing.
His religion.
He is a Jehovah`s Witness and his religion tells him that unless I am saved and convert to being a JW, I am not worth his time and effort.
It breaks my heart.
I often wonder about people that can belive in a God that tells you to walk away from your family and life long friends because they have a different idea of Heaven and salvation.
Thinking of the twins makes me miss the ocean.
I can not describe the yearning that I feel when I think of Halifax Harbour or the lake that I spent that summer tanning my skinny little ass by.
I have been planning a return trip to Dartmouth for 18 years. It hasn`t happened yet.
I keep thinking of my sister in law, that passed away last April. Hubby has 7 sisters and of all of them, she was his fav. She was funny and sweet, gracious and full of life. She passed out at work one day and never woke up. It was that fast.
I never got to know her the way that I wanted to, the way that I should have.
I can`t get her or her grieving husband and kids off of my mind.
Then there is the everyday shit. Bills, kids, work, and Christmas.
Christmas. I wonder what it will like this year, now that my oldest daughter is pretty much shacked up with her no good boyfriend.
Like I said, normal head clogging crap.
I wish that I could turn it all of sometimes.
The Fly
6 years ago
Old love never fades, new love replaces it.
In a way I don;t blame your husband sometimes the past can creep up on you to screw up the present.
When i finish with a gf its over. I mean we never speak again.
I talk to the ex that had my kids because of the kids and thats all.
When she comes by I can;t wait for her to leave.
My other two EXs i haven't spoken to 10 years for one and 3 for the other but she does sneak in to read my blog now that I dropped the hidden code that used to send you back to her page HA HA HA
Yeah I can be mean
I also found the new GFs would feel awkward about see an EX alone even if you do tell her its over.
So for me this was the best solution.
Shane and you were origionally friends but you crossed that line and because something more.
It's not your fault shit happens but it does change many things and its not only sex.
Once you made decisions for each other and now someone else has that job and for many people its hard to watch from the outside.
I LOVE JOhonah Witnesses especially when a group of hot chicks come by to convert you.
"So what are you willing to do to make me chnage sides"? and if there is a guy with them y ou tell him the joke.
"How do you separate the Greek men for the boys"?
"With a crow bar".
and as they are all laughing you tell them your Greek and wink at the guy.
You should see the looks on their faces.
They don't come by anymore for some reason except the one time last year when some old lady showed up with a big smile on her face waiting for me to say something.
She looked disappointed and heart broken when I said I wasn't interested.
I guess that I am lucky, really, b/c my Hubby has no ex gf's. Not that he was a virgin or anything, but there was never anyone serious.
I do miss some of my ex's...Well, two of them. My ex husbands are both useless. They don't see the kids and one hasn't evven paid support for about 2 years. I would never give either of them the time of day, never mind invite them in.
Shane is different. We did cross the line, but it was so long ago. Shit. I was another back then, it is not something that would ever happen again. I would never cheat on my Hubby, I know that he loves me and in so many ways I have it good....
Hubby loves that joke about the Greeks, too. One of his fav's.
I had some JW's show up last week. I didn't have the heart to be rude, so I took the pamphlet and smiled.
Threw it out as soon as they left.
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