My husband's fucktard of a nephew is in trouble again.
Last summer-ish, he was arrested, along with two or three other young offenders, in a stolen vehicle, with weapons, booze and stolen goods. The Fucktard, who was driving, tried to run a cop over. (Did you read about this?)
He was already on probation, but I have no idea for what.
I really thought that he was gonna serve some time. Hubby and I argued about it, b/c I felt that he should do some sort of time. He has gotten away with everything his whole life. He dropped out of school at 16 and neither of his parents cared. He sat around playing video games and getting stoned.
The Fucktard goes to court, and is given.....drum roll please.....more probation. He is supposed to work full time, keep his curfew and of course, he is not allowed to associate with known criminals.
Of course, Fucktard works about two days, rips off his employer (also Hubby's) and is seen or heard from again. Hubby is thrilled about this, b/c Fucktard is USELESS. He cries, moans and complains the whole day. The worst part? Fucktard's father wants Hubby and his work partner to pay Fucktard out of their paychecks. WTF?
The next we hear, Fucktard rips off a bunch of drug dealers for about a grand. I dunno, stole the weed, I think.
Guess what happens? Fucktards parents call MY HUBBY and want HIM to do something! They want him (us) to deal with the dealers b/c FT is gonna get fucked up by the not so nice men that sell drugs.
Hubby suggests getting FT to own up to what he did and work something out with the dealers to pay back the money. I mean, what, are we supposed to pay them back? Hubby is supposed to beat a bunch of people up? Hubby is 38 and would serve at least two years. They know this, they still think that it is up to Hubby to smooth things out.
Fast forward a few weeks. The Nice Drug Dealers find Fucktard and beat the living shit outta him.
Flash forward again.
Hubby and I run into Fucktard's mom and little bro's in the grocery store. Now, this woman is the ex girlfriend of Hubby's bro. She talks trash about the whole family and treats all of the family like crap. Of course, she has a need now, so Hubby is her best friend. She is all smiles, chewing her gum with her dirty ass lips smacking like a cow munching its cud. She tells Hubby,
Oh, Tom, did you hear? I was gonna enlist your help?
It seems that she wants my Hubby to go beat up the drug dealers b/c of what happened to her baby boy.
I am sooo gd tired of people knocking on our door asking us to clean up their messes. Hubby has been doing it since he was a kid. He is the youngest and he is expected to be at the beck and call of all of his siblings.
Last month, we almost killed the guy that his sister shacks up with now and again, b/c he stabbed Hubby's nephew with a screwdriver. This is a different sibling, different nephew. I could have killed this guy. I could have. I came sooo close to doing something irreversible and moronic because I was so caught up in all of it.
I am done. I am out.
These little pukes need to fend for themselves. If it were up to me, I would have delivered that little asshole to the drug dealers myself.
The Fly
6 years ago
Did you know that I was a EX drug dealer?
Oh course you didn't because you are new to my blog.
From my point of view there is nothing wrong with pot dealers, we can agree on the rest.
I sold pot and hash for over twenty years.
It's a job and we pay for what we sell.
So its no different than any other job but the illegal part.
When you rob a bank the cops come for you.
When you rob drug dealers they are the cops , judge and jury.
I think he got what he deserved and from what you say the boy is going to get in more trouble until one day he will be doing life or pushing daisies.
Your Husband should stay home and enjoy his family as I would and do now.
My crew, those that are not dead or in jail for life went on to better, safer and not as incarcerating things, like one is a priest and another makes 100 grand a year as a millwright.
Those who persue the old ways are still my friends but we don't see much of each other.
It sounds like that part of the family is nothing but trouble and you should let them deal with their own crap.
That's one of the things that bugs me.
People who start shit and can't handle it after then run for help.
When they do get it they stab you in the back, laugh in your face then expect you to bail them out again.
There is a old saying.
Fuck me once
Shame on you.
Fuck me twice
Shame on me
Fuck me three times
Only shows how stupid I really am
How stupid do tthey think you are?
Pay the drug dealers to beat all of them up not just the kid then buy some pot off of them and party.
Oh, I don't care if someone sells drugs...well, weed. I really don't. I think that he got what he deserved, too. Absolutely.
My Hubby is an x everything, and most of his old crew is dead, or in and out of jail. My Hubby did a bit of time, too.
Thing is, Fucktard KNEW that these dealers were nasty...I mean, there are some that you just don't mess with in any way shape or form. He decided to fuck them over, he got his ass kicked.
He always starts shit that hides behind his mom, dad, uncle Tom, whatever.
I think that we have a lot in common, you and I.
I don't smoke weed (used to have a bit of a problem with hash. I stay far away from it now), but I really don't care if people do. Whatever. One of these days it may very well be legalized.
I just think that a 16 year old shit head should be looking to get his life back on track, not scoring weed.
I am just tired of cleaning up everyone else's messes.
If the beating by the drug dealer didn't help to straighten the FT out then he has a very low learning curve.
Some people are just lost causes and best written off.
You sound like you had a very hard life, but have a good head on your shoulders and common sense.
FT and his mommy sound like they are balming everyone for FTs problems except the one who created the problems...Fuck Tard
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